Saturday, November 12, 2005


During the 1960s, cold war Paris was awash with spies, with espionage carried out at the highest level. The Russian KGB were among the most technically inventive. Sputnoef was the name given to a egg-sized bug resembling the Russian Sputnik satellite which was found in the Chilean Embassy in 1962, hidden in a bowl of fruit at a dinner attended by Charles de Gaulle.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Deekster Attacked by Cockabindi!

Yes folks it appears to be true. Our own Deek Deekster has been attacked by a large bird with gaudy plumage. It is said that Deek made some sort of remark in regard to the bird's plumage and this set off a verbal attack which in turn set off a physical attack which Deek very narrowly escaped.

As it is, Deek took a hell of a beating from the brute bird having been repeatedly pounded while the bird terrorized him with loud obnoxious squawks. Although pictures would help, we readers can only imagine what horror Deek must have gone through.

Our healing thoughts are with you on this journey Deek.

P.S. At least Deek wasn't attacked by a large blancmange.

P.S.S. Does anyone have a tranquilizer handy?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Cockabindi is large bird from the Indian sub-continent whose call has been described as "harrowing" "blood-curdling" and "a sound inspiring mortal fear". Plumage resembles nothing other than a bundle of bright rags splashed with paint.

"In the unfortunate queue of species destined for early extinction, Cockabindi is surely at the front." - Mahatma Ghandi.